Imagine cutting down a tree all on your own. You’ve got your equipment, your neighbor is over to help out, and you’re ready to go. However, it ends up being a painstaking process that takes hours to complete. You didn’t see the time commitment coming, but you’re near the finish line and you’re ready to watch it fall to its demise. The tree is on its last leg, and at any instant will fall into the area you planned, causing no damage. Perfect execution!
But then it looks like it’s going the opposite direction, toward your gracious neighbor’s home.
Uh oh.
The damage will be not only expensive, but stressful. And the worst part is, at this point, it’s too late. It is impossible to stop or change the direction of that tree.
This is only one of many examples that show why tree removal can be scary. Common techniques and practices lead to hundreds of injuries and deaths each year. When approaching a home project that involves intricacy and danger, the best option is always to hire a professional. Nevertheless, do your due diligence and research whatever project you are embarking on.
Survey your surroundings
Analyze the area around the tree. Are there multiple houses? Cars parked on the street? A busy intersection? Most importantly, are there power lines? Any power line within 10 feet of the tree must be removed. A licensed professional is required to remove those power lines before taking down the tree to ensure the safety of all those in the area.
Study the tree prior to removal
Some trees are big, some are small. Some have huge branches, some have small twigs. Each tree must be treated on a case by case basis, as each presents unique challenges. If you or someone else must climb the tree, check the branches to make sure they will support the weight of a person. You might be dealing with a larger than average tree that will need to be dismantled into smaller pieces. That means finding a designated or appropriate spot to do so.
Think like a meteorologist
No matter how much planning ahead you do, there is one variable that can ruin any day. Weather. It is very wise to keep an eye on the weather forecast in the days or weeks leading up to removing a tree. Obviously, there’s always a degree of uncertainty, but staying on top of the weather may save you from potential roadblocks in the future.
Use common sense
Safety gloves, safety goggles, harnesses, and hard hats for all involved in the removal process are essential to your safety. Any equipment, such as chainsaws and even commercial equipment like cranes and lifts, need to be regularly maintained and tested, prior to removal. The last thing you want is a malfunctioning chainsaw while hanging from a tree by a harness. While safety gear is crucial, awareness is parallel in importance. Pay careful attention to surroundings, people moving in and out of the area, and those helping in the removal itself.
I could preach on and on about every safety precaution that should be taken in the tree removal process. You might heed my warning, but some will undoubtedly ignore this advice altogether. So, I leave you with the final and most imperative guideline that will GUARANTEE your tree is safely taken to the ground:
Hire a professional tree removal service.